题目: When does competition help: evidence from generic drug entries 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年 9 月 11 日 星 期三 1 0 : 0 0 报 告 人 :曹声懋 助理教授 地 点 : 明德主楼 509 主 持 人 : 谢晓晨 摘要: This
paper studies the price and welfare effects of competition in the context of
pharmaceutical markets. We develop a model of drug supply and demand to
characterize market conditions that influence the equilibrium effects of
generic competition. Using the synthetic difference-in-difference method, we
estimate the effects of generic entries on drug prices and sales across diverse
market conditions, leveraging rich variation from 1,783 generic entry events in
26 countries. Consistent with our model's predictions, factors such as consumer
preference heterogeneity and entry costs drive significant variation in market
responses to generic entries. Our findings offer insights into how market
environments shape competitive strategies and provide guidanc