人生一定要努力, 努力是人生的 一种精神状态。 与其要求自己 一定要成为一个 什么样的人物, 获得什么样的成就, 不如磨练自己 做一个努力的人。 只有努力了 才可能成功, 就算最终 没能实现梦想, 也不会有太多的失望。 往往最美的 不是成功的那一刻 而是那段 努力奋斗的过程。 --- 加措活佛 Intelligenceand wisdom must go through strengthening tests. If we want to be full of wisdomwe must experience life, and in this way we can come to realize how statedtruths are applicable to real life. Through experience it also becomes easierto accept these truths. Many people do not understand this, and constantlyfocus their hopes on the world of material things, and not on the developmentof themselves, thereby accomplishing nothing in the end. We should cultivateour inner selves, and use our own wisdom to cultivate and inspire others. Fromdoing this we will obtain life’s rewards!