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经济学人 | 中国科学家贺建奎 打开潘多拉魔盒(中)

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-11 07:00
(全文共443个词)Reactions, both to the announcement on Monday and to the actual presentation, have been almost universally hostile. 无论是他在周一的声明,还是对实际的陈述,几乎所有人对此的反应都是充满敌意的。David Baltimore, a Nobel prize-winning geneticist who works at the California Institute of Technology, condemned the procedure as irresponsible and a blatant violation of international norms, and also “a failure of self-regulation by the scientific community”. 诺贝尔奖得主、加州理工学院的遗传学家戴维·巴尔的摩谴责了这一不负责任的行为,它公然违反国际准则,而且是“科学界自我监管的失败案例”。And Zhai Xiaomei, the executive director of the Centre for Bioethics at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, says that it is contrary to Chinese law.中国医学科学院生 ………………………………

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