1. 论文的研究目标和意义 本论文在2024年8月22日在线发表于ANGEW。 旨在开发高效的生物催化剂,用于合成带有线性三糖的三萜皂苷。三萜皂苷是一类重要的植物天然产物,在医药和农业领域有广泛应用。然而,由于其疏水的碳骨架,三萜皂苷的水溶性较差,限制了其生物利用度和临床应用。糖基化修饰,尤其是 三糖修饰,可显著提高其水溶性和药理活性 。 Glycosylation is a crucial method for the structural modification of triterpenoids by introducing various glycosyl groups, which not only enriches their molecular library, but also markedly enhances their water solubility and pharmacological activity. Trisaccharide modification (including linear and branched trisaccharide) is an important type of glycosylation for triterpenoids, which is of great significance for improving their pharmacological activity. 目前, 化学合成 和 酶促合成 是糖基化修饰的两种主要方法。