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Zhi Yan:Thriving Post-Real Estate,Redefining the 4P Profit Model

华与华  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-08 20:58


The Legendary Story of Zhi Yan Curtain: Thriving and Growing in the Post-Real Estate Era | Revolutionizing the Curtain Industry with a Reshaped 4P Profit Model. In an industry with no established brands, how do you create one? Zhi Yan Curtain carved a new path by reshaping the industry from the ground up, taking an innovative approach to products, pricing, channels, and promotion, unlike traditional methods. Amid a 50% downturn in the curtain industry in 2024 and the closure of numerous curtain manufacturers, Zhi Yan expanded its dedicated retail stores from 5 to 300. Each store saw an average revenue growth of 49%, marking the beginning of the brand’s ascent! This article features another entry in the11th Hua & Hua Million RMB Super Marketing Competition 2024, exclusively sponsored by Yan Palace. Zhi Yan Curtain is now the first recognized brand in the curtain industry. So, how did Hua & Hua help Zhi Yan establish itself as a leader? By leveraging two core strategies: 1. Buildin ………………………………

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