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DINZ德网 | KAD STUDIO · 山中艺术家

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-07 17:00


沉寂中孕育宁静 克致中造就永恒 在喧嚣尘世的一隅,隐匿于层峦叠嶂、云雾缭绕的深山之中,有一处不为人知的秘境——山中艺术家,这不仅是自然与艺术的完美邂逅,更是心灵得以栖息的世外桃源。整个宅邸多个露台及阳台,错落有致地分布在各个角落,为居住者提供了多个欣赏自然美景的绝佳位置。 In a corner of the hustle and bustle of the world, hidden in the deep mountains with layers of mountains and clouds, there is an unknown secret realm - mountain artists. This is not only a perfect encounter between nature and art, but also a paradise where the soul can reside. The entire mansion has multiple terraces and balconies scattered in various corners, providing residents with excellent locations to appreciate natural beauty. 当夜幕降临,建筑又展现出另一番迷人的景致。万籁俱寂之中,星空如洗,银河低垂,仿佛触手可及。此时,在宅邸的 ………………………………

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