点击文章末端“ 阅读原文 ” 获取完整电子版 ( PDF + Word + MP3音频) 每天分享一篇经济学人双语精读 全文翻译+全文注释+长难句分析 背景知识+写作技巧+短语+段落大意+词汇精析 本期同步音频 01 经济学人原文 BARTLEBY : Cool to be kind How nice should managers be at work? 【 1 】 kindness IS IN the air. Publishers produce business books with titles like “The Power of Nice” or, simply, “Kind”. LinkedIn, which is ostensibly a networking site for career-minded professionals , is overrun with sickly videos showing people being improbably generous to the homeless. Firms publicly embrace the values of compassion : one manufacturer of safety- gear talks of “offering grace internally ”, which sounds terribly intrusive . 【 2 】 The fashion for niceness is both trite and revealing . trite , because it is really not surprising that people respond well to de