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讲座预告 | Molecular Cell资深编辑Krista Bledsoe博士

北京生物结构前沿研究中心  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-16 15:41


学 者 讲 坛 +生物结构前沿 + “ 时间 2024年10月23日(星期三)  15:30-17:00 地点 清华大学生物医学馆E-109 主持人 李丕龙 副教授 北京生物结构前沿研究中心 嘉宾简介 Dr.Krista Bledsoe Senior Editor, Molecular Cell and Cross-Journal team, Cell Press Krista is a senior editor at Molecular Cell . She earned her Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from Mayo Graduate School where she studied transcription factor fusion genes in Ewing sarcoma and sinonasal sarcoma with Dr. Jennifer Westendorf, followed by postdoctoral work at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia investigating epigenetic inhibitors in Ewing sarcoma with Dr. Margaret Chou. Krista worked as a science writer at Cancer Discovery before joining Cell Press in 2018 as an editor at both Molecular Cell and Cancer Cell . She shifted her focus to Molecular Cell full time in 2020. 生物结构前沿 学者讲坛 传播“有思想的学术”,启迪“有学术 ………………………………

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