专栏名称: 微凉_Elena
伤春悲秋伪文青,冷静偏执无悲喜。 ...
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微凉_Elena  · 简书  ·  · 2019-09-22 23:22


Time passed. The search for Mr Hyde continued. Sir Danvers Carew was an important and popular man and the police tried desperately to arrest the murderer and bring him to trial. But there was no sign of Mr Hyde himself, although the police and the newspapers discovered a lot about his past life. Nobody, it seemed, could say one good word about the wanted man. He was a cruel, violent man, who had lived an evil life full of hate and jealousy. None of this, however, was any help to the police. Mr Hyde had just disappeared.


As time went by, Mr Utterson became calmer and more at peace with himself. He was truly sorry that his client, Sir Danvers Carew, was dead, but he was also very glad that Mr Hyde had disappeared. As for Doctor Jekyll, he too appeared calmer and happier. He came out into the world again. He invited friends to his house and accepted invitations to theirs. He had always been a good and generous man. Now, however, he became a churchgoer too. He was busy, he spent a lot of time in the fresh air and he looked happy and carefree. For more than two months he was at peace with himself and the world.

时光流逝,厄特森先生渐渐冷静下来,越来越能和自己和平共处。他对委托人丹弗斯·克鲁先生的死深感遗憾,但又庆幸海德先生的消失。还有哲基尔博士,他也渐渐平静、越活越开心,重回了大众视野。他邀朋友来自己家也接受朋友的邀请。他一直是个善良慷慨的绅士,但他现在也经常去教堂作祷告。他事物繁忙,但也经常出门放松,看起来很开心无牵无挂。两个多月来 ,他与自己以及这个世界都相处平和。

On the 8th of January Mr Utterson was invited to dinner at Doctor Jekyll's house. Doctor Lanyon was there too. 'This is quite like old times,' thought the lawyer as he watched Doctor Jekyll smiling at Doctor Lanyon.


On January 12th, however, and again on the 14th, Doctor Jekyll refused to see visitors.


'The doctor is not well,' explained Poole. 'He hopes you will forgive him, but he cannot see anyone.'


Mr Utterson called again next day, and again the day after that. After two months of almost daily meetings with his old friend, the lawyer felt rather lonely. On the sixth evening he invited his clerk, Mr Guest, to dinner with him, and on the seventh night he went to visit Doctor Lanyon.


Doctor Lanyon made him welcome, but Mr Utterson was shocked by the change in the doctor's appearance. His face, which was usually pink and healthy, was grey and thin, and there was a frightened look in his eyes. He was suddenly an old, sick man.


'He looks,' said Mr Utterson to himself, 'like a man who knows he's dying.'


'How are you, Lanyon?' he said. 'You don't look well.'


'I've had a shock, Utterson,' replied Doctor Lanyon. 'And it will cause my death. I have only a few weeks to live.' He paused. 'Well, it comes to us all sooner or later. I've had a good life, on the whole.'


'Jekyll is ill too,' said the lawyer. 'Have you seen him?'


At the name of Jekyll the look on Doctor Lanyon's face changed. 'Please,' he said, holding up a trembling hand, 'don't speak that name in this house.'


'Oh dear,' said Mr Utterson. He hesitated for a moment. 'The three of us have been friends all our lives, Lanyon. We are too old now to make new friends. Can't you forgive and forget? Perhaps I can help?'


'Nothing can be done,' replied Doctor Lanyon. 'Ask him yourself.'


'He won't let me into the house.'


'That doesn't surprise me. One day, Utterson, after I am dead, you will perhaps learn the full story. Meanwhile, if you can sit and talk to me of other things, please stay. Just don't mention that person, as it hurts me to think about him.'


As soon as he got home, Mr Utterson wrote to Doctor Jekyll. In his letter he asked why Jekyll refused to let him into his house, and why he and Doctor Lanyon were no longer friendly. The reply was long and not always easy to understand.


'I'm not angry with our old friend,' Doctor Jekyll wrote, 'but I agree with him that the two of us must never meet again. Meanwhile, you must forgive me if from now on I live a very quiet life. If you find my door closed to you, it's because I must travel this dark, dangerous road alone. I have done wrong and I'm being punished for it, and nobody can help me.'



'What is this?' thought Mr Utterson. 'Hyde has disappeared. Jekyll is his normal self again-at least, he was until last week. Has he gone mad?' Then he remembered Doctor Lanyon's words. 'There is something more,' he said to himself, 'something mysterious, but I have no idea what it is.'


A week later Doctor Lanyon was too ill to leave his bed. Two weeks after that he was dead. After his friend's burial, Mr Utterson went home and into his office. From his locked cupboard he took out an envelope, which he had received soon after his friend's death.










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