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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-22 20:30


近日,多名百万粉丝级炫富网红全平台账号被封号、禁言,包括王红权星、鲍鱼家姐、柏公子等账号。 🤔️小作业: 1. What is the main purpose of the paragraph describing 50 Cent's Instagram photos? A) To highlight the rapper's financial irresponsibility B) To discuss the trend of celebrities leasing luxury items C) To explain the court's difficulty in reconciling his bankruptcy claim D) T o illustrat e the use of props to create a false image of wealth 2. Why does Carol Megehee suggest that women should be cautious when wearing luxury brands to an interview with another woman? A) Because it might be seen as unprofessional B) Because it could create jealousy and work against them C) Because luxury brands are not appropriate for interviews D) Because it shows a lack of financial prudence 无注释原文: The surprising benefits of living beyond your means From: BBC Scroll through rapper 50 Cent's Instagram feed and you'll find a preponderanc ………………………………

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