背景介绍: 近年来,宠物护理行业在全球范围内迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。从澳大利亚的“丽莎博士的狗狗”用品系列,到美国宠物市场的巨大消费,都反映出人们对宠物的极度宠爱与呵护。特别是在新冠疫情期间,孤独感促使更多人选择领养宠物,宠物支出急剧攀升。如今,宠物已成为许多家庭不可或缺的一员,与人类的关系日益紧密。各大消费品巨头也纷纷涉足宠物行业,推动该领域持续快速增长。 People are splurging like never
before on their pets 人们越来越舍得为宠物花钱了 Would you buy your furry companion a cologne? 你会给你的宠物买古龙香水吗? Among the products of DOG by Dr Lisa, an
Australian pet-care brand, you will find a cleanser for sensitive skin, a
soothing balm and a cologne. All are free of genetically modified
ingredients—and vegan, which dogs are not, at least by choice. 在澳大利亚宠物