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嘉宾确认 | 中国美国商会年度人力资源峰会

LinkedIn  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2024-06-19 08:00


2024 AmCham China HR Conference 9:00am - 4:30pm, June 20, 2024 China World Summit Wing 2024年6月20日,中国美国商会将迎来人力资源峰会,这是一场深入探讨人力资源领域前沿行业趋势和变革的峰会。二十多年来,人力资源峰会为中国的会员和广大人力资源界提供了一个宝贵的平台,帮助他们把握发展趋势,交流最佳实践,促进人才引进、保留和人力资本管理方面的发展。 On June 20, 2024, AmCham China will proudly host its Annual Human Resources Conference (HR Conference), a premier event delving into the forefront of industry trends and transformative shifts within the realm of Human Resources. For over two decades, the HR Conference has been providing an invaluable platform for members and the broader HR community in China to benchmark trends, exchange best practices, and foster growth in talent acquisition, retention, and human capital management. 今年中国美国商会人力资源峰会 ………………………………

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