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【直播】【上海天文台天体物理】云南大学连建辉副教授:Galactic archeology in the context…

蔻享学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-03 00:00


上海天文台天体物理学术报告 Galactic archeology in the context of general galaxy population 2024年9月5日 15:00 蔻享学术 扫码观看直播 报告人介绍 Jianhui Lian Jianhui Lian obtained his PhD degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2016. Since then he moved to University of Portsmouth in the UK, University of Utah in the U.S., and Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany to do postdoctoral research. In February 2023, Jianhui joined South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research at Yunnan University. Jianhui’s research interests are mainly focusing on the formation and evolution of galaxies and our home Galaxy, the Milky Way, including their star formation and chemical evolution history, galaxy structure, stellar populations, and stellar radial migration. 报告摘要 The Milky Way has long been used as a benchmark galaxy to constrain the galaxy formation and evolution models. The advent of massive stellar spectroscopic surveys (e ………………………………

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