One Aesthesis酒店位于雅典的一处天然海湾,占地面积21公顷。酒店经过精心策划与改建之后,再现了20世纪中叶的现代主义精神,同时以当代奢华的方式重塑1950年代Asteria经典建筑的内在精神,使其焕发新的魅力。 One Aesthesis Hotel is located on 21 hectares of land in a natural bay in Athens. The hotel has been carefully planned and renovated to recreate the spirit of mid-20th century modernism, while at the same time recreating the inner spirit of the classic Asteria building of the 1950s in a contemporary luxurious manner, giving it a new charm. Aesthesis主楼作为度假村的中心,摒弃了传统的方正形态,而是以流动的曲线进行构筑,其灵感源自20世纪60年代的现代主义建筑风格。建筑与周围的地中海花园融合共生,舒展的造型、丰富的几何元素、光影的巧妙运用,一并营造出虚实交替的诗意节奏,既保持私密性,又赋予空间温暖