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小飞象自然拼读故事:I Want to Be a Cowboy(下)

宝贝书单  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-03-05 08:00


点击下方绿标听故事 I Want to Be a Cowboy Sindy McKay/文   Tim Raglin/图 朱小迪翻译、录播 Then Roy stopped. He could hear a sound. It was like a baby  bawl ing. bawl  [ bɔːl ] v. 放声大哭 The sound was a baby cow! Roy found her in a  brook . She could not get out. brook  [ brʊk ] n. 小河 Roy yelled for help. He was very  loud , but no one would hear him. loud  [l aʊd ] adj. 大声的 The little cow was loud too! How could Roy get her out of the brook? Roy saw this once in a cowboy book. The cowboy put a rope on the cow. Then he led her out. "That is what I will do," Roy said to his pony. He took out his  coiled  rope and twirled it. coiled  [ kɔɪld ] adj. 卷成圈的 "Now we will lead her out," said Roy. The pony began to go, and the little cow came out. Roy was  proud . Then he looked up. He saw Hawk. "Good work," said Hawk, " ………………………………

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