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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-10 20:37


今天凌晨,巴黎奥运会拳击项目女子66公斤级决赛,中国选手杨柳迎战阿尔及利亚选手伊曼尼·哈利夫(Imane Khelif)。最终,杨柳遗憾落败,拿下银牌,哈利夫成为阿尔及利亚首位获得女子拳击奥运金牌的运动员。 本届奥运会期间,哈利夫因性别问题备受争议。去年,国际拳击协会(IBA)以性别资格测试未通过为由,禁止其参加女子比赛。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How did Khelif respond to the criticisms regarding her gender? A) She avoided the topic. B) She acknowledged the criticisms but did not let them affect her performance. C) She admitted there were valid concerns. D) She openly denied the accusations and reaffirmed her identity as a woman. 无注 释原文: 'I am a woman': Imane Khelif hits back in gender row after claiming gold From: New York Post After a fortnight surrounded by a gender-row controversy, Imane Khelif became an Olympic gold med ………………………………

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