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美西方反俄,已经走火入魔? | 小象漫评

中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-04-02 09:48
01德国两州曝出新规将禁止在公共场所展示字母“Z”因为其在俄语里代表胜利真是大千世界无奇不有竟然跟字母过不去!Two German states have proposedbanning the letter “Z” in public places, because it is a symbol of “victory” in Russian.Well, who would have thoughtthe West’s sanctions could include the alphabet?02俄乌冲突爆发以来欧美做事越来越怪好好的天然气欧洲不买让自己的民众严寒中受冻That’s only one of the bad things the West has donesince the Russia-Ukraine conflict.The EU rejected Russian gas,leaving its people shivering.03美西方号称“反战”还雇水军到处散播谣言They have lied about being against the war,04 但中国说句公道话却立刻被他们疯狂指责but whenever China utters a righteous word, it will face heavy blames from them.05美西方嘴上喊着要和平身体却诚实得很给和谈的道路挖坑They claimed to be working for peace,but ………………………………

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