运用时间地理学和社区参与方法探索照护与健康环境空间分析中的“协调地理” Using time geography and community engaged methods to explore‘coordinated geographies’ into spatial analyses of caring and healthy environments 主讲人 | Speaker Michael J. Widener 加拿大研究主席(交通与健康领域) 多伦多大学地理与规划系长聘教授、主任 Health & Place期刊共同主编 Canada Research Chair in Transportation and Health Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography & Planning at the University of Toronto Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Health & Place 时间 | Time 2025年1月2日(周四),10:00-11:30 2025.1.2 (Thursday),10:00-11:30 地点 | Venue 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院C楼C1会议室 C1 Meeting Room, Building C, CAUP, Tongji, University Siping Campus 主讲人介绍 Speaker Michael J. Widener是多伦多大学地理与规划系的长聘教授、系主任,交通与健康领域的加拿大研