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【期刊速览】World Neurosurgery | Online 2024年3月速览(十四)

神外资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-30 19:17


以下由机器智能翻译,仅供参考。 1. Effectiveness and Safety of Ultra-low-dose Fluorescein Sodium-Guided Resection of Malignant Glioma 超低剂量荧光素钠引导下恶性胶质瘤切除术的有效性和安全性 This study analyzed the effectiveness and safety of ultra-low dose fluorescein sodium (FL)-guided malignant glioma resection and its potential to predict the pathological characteristics of glioma. Ultra-low-dose FL-guided resection of malignant gliomas is safe and effective. The Ki67 positivity rate was directly proportional to the intensity of FL, indicating its potential to predict gliomas during pathological examination. 本研究分析了超低剂量荧光素钠 (FL) 引导下恶性胶质瘤切除术的有效性和安全性及其对预测胶质瘤病理特征的潜力。超低剂量FL引导下切除恶性胶质瘤是安全有效的。Ki67阳性率与FL的强度成正比,表明其在病理检查中预测神经胶质瘤的潜力。 REF: Ling G, Guo T, Gu ………………………………

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