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本哲作品 | 上海·53°·EKA天物

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-10 11:30


▼ 由南到北鸟瞰图Aerial view from south to north 「53°」位于上海浦东新区金桥板块的EKA•天物艺术街区,在街区最里端,紧邻西沟港,由中船航海仪器厂工业遗产中的绿化组温室花房改建而来。原绿化组共有三栋建筑,分别为原楼号497、499、530,为上世纪五六十年代的旧筑,均已年久失修,闲置数年。受业主方委托对该场地旧筑一一更新改造,我们希望更新后的530既要有记忆中的温情,又有崭新的面貌。 「53°」 is located at the innermost end of the EKA Art District in Jinqiao, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, adjacent to Xigou Harbour. 53° was converted from a greenhouse for Greening Group of the industrial heritage of the China Shipbuilding Naval Instrumentation Factory (CSNIF). There are three buildings in the original greenhouse group, namely the original buildings No. 497, 499 and 530, which were built in the 1950s or 1960s, being desolated and unused for sev ………………………………

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