3 长 按 扫码领取 1-772期晨读完整版 PDF电子讲义 扫 码 (长按 扫码领取本期晨读PDF ) 晨读音频 文本导读 近日,17岁中专在读学生闯入阿里全球数学竞赛12强引发网友关注。主人公姜萍是江苏省涟水中等专业学校的一名学生,她花两年自学高等数学,最终以93分的高分,名列阿里全球数学竞赛第12名。(以上勘误省略) Taylor Swift Gets Emotional at Final Liverpool Show Singing a Song Written With Joe Alwyn 泰勒·斯威夫特在利物浦最后一场演唱会上唱前男友创作的歌曲时情绪激动哽咽 (图源网络,侵删) On Saturday night, Taylor Swift performed her final Eras Tour show in Liverpool before she heads on to Cardiff and then London. The star reportedly got emotional, according to the Daily Mail, when she sang “Champagne Problems” from 2020’s Evermore, a song she wrote with ex-boyfriend of six years Joe Alwyn. 周六晚上,泰勒