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数据隐私的影响比预期大 | Facebook2019Q4财报分析

丸丸股票  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-31 22:52
2020.1.29盘后Facebook发布了2019Q4的财报,发布后盘后下跌7%,第二天收盘下跌6.14%。这一季的财报并不乐观,丸子照例来跟踪下,Facebook之前讲过很多了,没有什么太新奇的内容,这次就只记录下自己感兴趣的几个点,不做综合性跟踪了。收入增速新低,后续还会继续降低2019Q4总收入210.82亿美元,同比增长24.6%,创历史最低增幅,而且2020Q1收入增速会进一步降低。We expect our year-over-year total reported revenue growth rate in Q1 to decelerate by a low to mid-single-digit percentage point as compared to our Q4 growth rate. Factors driving this deceleration include the maturity of our business as well as the increasing impact from global privacy regulation and other ad targeting-related headwinds. While we have experienced some modest impact from these headwinds to date, t ………………………………

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