点击海报跳转详情 House Nation#4 撒欢儿 10.05 · 周六 · @GAS 22:00-Late DJs XIU LEAH CISCO ZENDAYA 10月5日 国庆假期第五天,最受欢迎的系列活动「House Nation™」回归, XIU、LEAH、CISCO、ZENDAYA 带着各自的浩室新感悟,引领GAS舞池。 尽情 撒欢儿 ,享受在舞池大撒把的状态。尖叫和欢呼将是你暂时逃离现实的证明。 House Nation#4 10.05 · Sat @GAS 22:00-late DJs XIU POPSTONE LEAH CISCO ZENDAYA October 5th, the fifth day of the National Day holiday, the most popular series of events "House Nation™" returns, XIU, POPSTONE, LEAH, CISCO, Zendaya bring their own new house feelings, leading the GAS dance floor. Have fun and enjoy the state of letting go on the dance floor. Screaming and cheering will be your proof of temporary escape from reality. DJs 天津城地下电⼦乐重要“推手”,十多年来活跃于天津,炮制各色电子乐派对于城市各处。在舞池之余,CISCO