▲Quora 第1077篇 (904字) | #Quora文选 ( 文末领 “资源” ) 来看看“美版知乎”Quora上这篇点赞超过2万的问答: 有哪些经历让你变得更强? What was one experience in your life that hardened you as a person? Gaurav Madaan · Amateur Stand up comedian, Musician, Software Engineer 383.1K views · 23.8k Upvotes I was once having dinner at a small restaurant. 有一次,我在一家小餐馆吃晚饭。 I was served a plate of rice with some other stuff. I ate and left some rice because I could not eat all of it. When I stood up to leave, the worker who used to clean the plates seemed quite reluctant to take that plate of rice. I didn’t quite get why he was disturbed with it. 我点了一盘米饭和其他一些食物, 由于吃不完,我剩下了一些米饭。 当我起身离开时,负责清洗餐具的工人似乎很不情愿地拿走了那盘米饭,我不明白他为什么会因此而感到困扰。 On another day, I went to eat