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九言 | 强大的人不是能征服什么,而是能承受什么。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-28 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  7.28 每个人创造自己生活的力量都非常可观,远超我们的想象。 The power of each person to create their own life is considerable, far beyond our imagination. 愤怒是一种酸,它对储存它的容器的伤害大于它对任何接触它的物体的伤害。 Anger is an acid that causes more damage to the container storing it than to any object that comes into contact with it. 我们从不怕爱上谁,我们只会害怕不值得,虔诚的奉上一颗心,被扔到泥土里踏碎。 We are never afraid of falling in love with anyone, we are only afraid of not being worth it. We devoutly offer a heart, only to be thrown into the soil and crushed. 即使我不断地遭受挫折,也不灰心;即使我身心疲惫,哪怕是处于崩溃的边缘,也要正视人生。 Even if I constantly suffer setbacks, I will not lose heart; Even if I am physically and mentally exhausted, even on the brink of collapse, I must fa ………………………………

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