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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-06-24 08:00
点击下方名片关注我们导读陈妍希和陈晓下个月将庆祝结婚8周年,没想到近日却被爆婚变。曾率先爆出章子怡、汪峰离婚的中国狗仔出手:“知情人士透露,陈晓陈妍希婚姻去年就破裂了,目前陈晓一心想离婚”。对此,两人的经纪公司尚未回应。外媒对此事也进行了相关报道。双语文本Recently, there were rumours that Chinese celebrity couple Michelle Chen and Chen Xiao are heading for separation after eight years together. The rumours first came from a notable paparazzi who claimed that the couple have had marital problems for a while. 最近,有传言称中国名人夫妇陈妍希和陈晓在一起八年后婚变。谣言首先来自知名狗仔队,声称这对夫妇的婚姻问题已经持续了一段时间。The paparazzi claimed that Chen Xiao formally filed for divorce from Michelle at the end of last year. The actor also reportedly left the couple's home and has been living sepa ………………………………

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