从昨天开始,我把中文版的WHWM数学物理解题思路分析大模型(简称闪问大模型,基于目前市面上已有的基础大语言模型开发)改造成英文版的大模型。下面是初步的效果。很不错。 顺便,这也启发我:任何一个基础大模型已经掌握的语言,都应该不是问题;因此,我应该考虑 换一个方 式来训练闪问大模型——直接用英文版的提示词和案例,然后训练好之后,让基础大模型自己来做多语言转换。 I am three years old now and my sister is twice as old as me. When she is ten years old, how many years older than me will she be? Trans: Try to express every sentence in the problem using mathematical expressions. Answer: "I am three years old now" can be expressed as: (where is my current age) "My sister is twice as old as me" means: (where is my sister's current age) "When she is ten years old, how many years older than me will she be?" indicates that when