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Call for paper (IF 10.1):截止2025年5月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-29 17:58


1K Herb Genomes Project Submission DeadLine: 31 May 2025 This special issue focuses on herbal genomics at its core, integrating new technologies such as single-cell sequencing and spatiotemporal multi-omics to advance the research of the “1K Herb Genomes Project”. This issue will publish original research papers, reviews, and Views & Comments including but not limited to the following fields: (1) Innovative joint research on the genetic engineering of medicinal plants using multi-omics (T2T or haploid genomes, single-cell sequencing, epigenomics, spatiotemporal multi-omics, and degradomics, etc.); (2) Analysis of the biosynthetic pathways of active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) based on multi-omics, discovery of active compound targets, and research on in vitro biosynthesis and green manufacturing. Guest editors: Guest Editors-in-Chief: Shilin Chen , Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China; Daniele Werck-Reichhart , French CNRS Institute of Mol ………………………………

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