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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-05 20:30


近日,软银集团首席执行官孙正义在演讲中重申了他对人工智能的乐观预测,称通用人工智能将在两三年内实现。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. According to the passage, which of the following best describes Masayoshi Son's view on the competition in the AI industry? A. Collaboration is more important than speed in AI development. B. The AI industry is saturated, and new entrants have little chance of success. C. Rapid advancement is crucial to winning in the AI "gold rush." D. Financial investment is the only determining factor for success in AI. 无注释原文: AI to Have Human-Level Abilities in a Few Years, SoftBank CEO Son Says From: The Wall Street Journal SoftBank Group Chief Executive Masayoshi Son reiterated his bullish forecasts for artificial intelligence in a speech Thursday that stressed advances made by OpenAI. OpenAI raised $6.6 billion in a recent round of new funding that included a $500 million investment by ………………………………

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