专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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Nube Apartment,巴西圣保罗

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-11 06:31


In this interior design project, we aimed for a layout that would enhance the apartment’s floor plan with its fluid and integrated spaces. With an L-shaped living room, the functions were already well defined, where the sitting and dining areas would be. 在这个室内设计项目中,我们的目标是通过流畅和综合的空间来增强公寓的平面图。对于一个 L 形客厅,功能已经明确定义,休息区和用餐区将位于其中。 The elongated sitting area features a custom wood panel that reinforces this concept, covering the entire length of the back wall. Various modules, including a sideboard, a bookshelf, and a desk, are interspersed and organize this space throughout the piece. 细长的起居区采用定制的木板,强化了这一概念,覆盖了后墙的整个长度。各种模块,包括餐具柜、书架和书桌,穿插其中,并在整个作品中组织了这个空间。 The dining area, integrated with the kitchen, includes a sideb ………………………………

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