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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-08-14 08:00


点击下方名片关注我们 导读 据了解,陈奕迅刚结束宁波演唱会,就迫不及待在下班路上收看国乒男团的决赛,他还发文为樊振东鼓掌。而樊振东之前就透露过,很喜欢陈奕迅的歌。以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 After a two-month break, Hong Kong star Eason Chan returned to the stage, resuming his Fear and Dreams World Tour in Ningbo on August 9. The singer fractured his cheekbone when he fainted from heatstroke while playing tennis in June. 时隔两个月,中国香港巨星陈奕迅重返舞台,于8月9日在宁波继续Fear and Dreams世界巡回演唱会。6月,陈奕迅在打网球时中暑晕倒,导致颧骨骨折。 Eason, 50, shared during the concert that he was a little nervous about his return as the area around his jaw feels sore if he moves the muscles too much. According to reports, Eason was in great form and put on a high energy performance, though the 40℃ heat left him soaking in sweat. 50 ………………………………

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