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首发 x 谢立城 | 自然松驰的家

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-27 17:01


向自然探寻,生活之韵;向艺术求索,空间之灵;每一次归家,即是一场栖心旅程。 To explore nature, the rhyme of life; Seek from art, the spirit of space; Every time you go home, it is a journey to the heart. 从自然中汲取灵感,将自然元素巧妙的融入家居中,一抹翠绿的植物,一块未经雕琢的原石,都是自然的馈赠。让居者在家的场域里,感受到自然的韵律和节奏。 Draw inspiration from nature, cleverly integrate natural elements into the home, a touch of green plants, a piece of uncarved raw stone, are gifts of nature. Let the resident feel the rhythm and rhythm of nature in the field of home. DESIGNER 谢立城 Xie Licheng 独立思想,设计自由 让建筑成为修养身息、愉悦人生的载体。 Independent thinking, design freedom Let architecture become the carrier  of  self-cultivation     and joyful life. CELEBRATE NATURE 赞美自然 01 空间强调开放性和流动性,打破 ………………………………

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