在京都北部,一座拥有百年历史的町屋Maana工作坊被赋予了新的生命,这是一个致力于守护与传承日本建筑与工艺传统的工作坊,它不仅是历史的具象载体,更是一处让人与手工技艺、自然材料重新建立联系的空间,在静谧而富有层次的木构与土墙之间,延续着京都独特的城市记忆。 I n northern Kyoto, the century-old Maana Atelier has been given a new life. It is a workshop dedicated to preserving and passing on the tradition of Japanese architecture and craftsmanship. It is not only a figurative carrier of history, but also a space for people to reconnect with handmade skills and natural materials. It continues the unique urban memory of Kyoto. 京 都的这座町屋最初为一位商人的住宅,其灵活的空间布局和自然材料的运用,使它得以在时代的更迭中不断适应新的生活方式。 Originally the residence of a merchant, the flexible spatial layout and the use o