全是看空的.... 美东时间2月3日,Palantir四季报业绩超预期,股价应声大涨23%,市值一度飙升至2300亿美元。然而, 罕见的是,德银、杰富瑞、花旗、瑞银和汇丰五大投行在此关键时刻集体唱空,纷纷给出"Hold"或"Sell"评级。 五大行普遍认为,虽然Palantir四季度业绩表现亮眼,但当前估值已经过高。具体来看,四季度营收同比增长36%至8.28亿美元,远超市场预期的7.77亿美元;经调整后营业利润率达到45%,创下历史新高;全年营收达28.7亿美元,同比增长29%。 德银在研报中指出了业绩亮点: "Looking more closely at US Commercial, +64% y/y growth accelerated 10pts from 3Q off of 38% tougher compare, which is standout. The company booked $803mn of US Commercial business in 4Q (includes cancelable) which was +134% y/y, reflecting the traction the company is seeing with AIP as Palantir has earned a reputation as an AI partner of choice for the e