专栏名称: STR资讯
STR以酒店行业最权威的全球标杆数据对标、市场分析与行业洞察而闻名, 是最可信可靠的数据信息来源。成立于1985年的STR目前已经在10个国家设立办公地点。STR的产品以及独树一帜的市场洞察,正在为日益增多的客户提高商业决策能力。
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STR北京办公室喜迁新址 | STR's New Beijing Office

STR资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-02 19:55


尊敬的客户: Dear valued client, 初秋的北京,天空湛蓝、气候宜人。我们怀着激动的心情向大家宣布, STR北京办公室于9月2日喜 迁新址 !  We are thrilled to announce that STR’s Beijing team is relocated to a new office today.   此次搬迁是公司在以中国市场为主的北亚地区发展的重要一步,行业客户的信任和支持,激励了STR的持续成长与进步。新的工作环境标志着我们将站在新的起点上,更加努力地追求卓越,以更高的热情和效率为客户持续提供优质的服务。 This relocation is an important milestone for the company's development in the North Asia region, mainly in the Chinese market. Thanks to the trust and support of industry customers, STR has been motivated to continue its growth and progress. We will stand at a new starting point, strive harder for excellence, and continuously provide high-quality services to customers with higher enthusiasm and efficien ………………………………

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