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6.30 早读 | 当你对自己失去信心,一切就都完了

TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-30 07:00


今天是Gwen陪你早读的第  3140  天哦! 6.30 早读 When you lose sight or belief in yourself, we're done for. 背景音乐 Reality (Christmas Mix) -  Christmas  Lost Frequencies 宝宝们,周末没有朗读版哦~ 视频跟读版(常速*2+慢速*2) 本周早读小测答案 ACBCA 答对了么? 没答对下周可要认真早读了哦~ 1. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.  句中最多包含(  )处元元连读: A 3  B 4  C 5 2. Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Clap along if you know what happiness is to you.  Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do. feel like 的含义不正确的是: A 感觉像是  B 想要  C 喜欢 3. The reason why most people have such chaotic lives is because they're living in chaos in their heads. And as soon as you get clear, it clears up. chaos 词内包含(  )个音节: A 1  B 2 ………………………………

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