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Avocado imports rise in Europe, decline in China

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-25 09:30


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 Specialized intelligence company   Avobook 's week 29  report  noted interesting movements in the global avocado market. European avocado imports saw a 23% rise compared to the same week in 2023. Interestingly, the report points out that this has not induced a price reduction. The interesting thing, the report points out, is that this has not induced a price reduction. Something different can be observed in China, where arrivals from Peru have decreased by more than half year-on-year. Peruvian supplies usually dominate the market at this time of the year. In the case of the United States, Avobook explains that Mexican supplies account for 40% of the market, while California's account for 28%, and Peru's, 24%. The scenario in the U.S. market shows slightly lower prices than the previous week in all grades. 长按二维码,关注我们 中国水果门户 国内|海外|果蔬|资讯 中国水果门户是全球领先的专业国际果蔬媒体 ………………………………

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