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平衡与克制 | 北京·京呆民宿

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-24 11:30


场地与环境 Site and Environment 京呆民宿位于北京怀柔邓各庄村,该村历史悠久,唐代已成村,位于青龙峡与雁西湖之间,周边山脉绵延,风景秀美。走进村子,古朴的北方村落味道扑面而来,在这里,时间仿佛变得很慢,让人能够静下心来。项目基地坐落于路口位置,原始建筑由一栋人字坡顶的正房和一栋 U 形平面的平房构成,拥有前后两个院子,北侧院子的两栋辅房已处于近乎坍塌的状态。业主委托多么工作室将其改造为一栋可容纳14人团建的精品民宿。 Jing Stay is located in Denggezhuang Village, Huairou, Beijing, a village with a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty. Nestled between Qinglong Gorge and Yanxi Lake, the area is surrounded by rolling mountains and stunning scenery. As you step into the village, the rustic charm of a northern village envelops you, and time seems to slow down, allowing for a tranquil and reflective ex ………………………………

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