A 93-year-old recalls spending her childhood with her father protecting the Mogao grottoes to highlight their legacy with the world, Lin Qi reports. 《花开敦煌——常沙娜从艺八十年艺术与设计展》在中国工艺美术馆·中国非物质文化遗产馆面向公众开放,93岁著名艺术家、设计家、教育家常沙娜再次走到聚光灯下。 Recalling her bittersweet experiences during her teen years in Dunhuang, Gansu province, 93-year-old Chang Shana can't help but smile while remembering those days. She was 12 when she arrived in Dunhuang in the 1940s. Her father, Chang Shuhong (1904-94), the founding director of the Dunhuang Academy, committed his life to the protection and conservation of the caves and the art inside. 回忆起少年时在敦煌的酸甜苦辣,已是耄耋之年的常沙娜情不自禁露出微笑。上世纪40年代,年仅12岁的她跟随家人来到敦煌。她的父亲常书鸿(1904-1994)被誉为“敦煌的守护神”,