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九言 | 人生没有解答,只有各自感受。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-24 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  7.24 让自己在做事上有实力,在做人上有定力。 Make yourself strong in doing things and confident in being a person. 人生没有解答,只有各自感受。 Life has no answers, only individual feelings. 时间扑面而来,我们终将释怀,健康的活着,平静的过着,开心的笑着,适当的忙着,就很好。 Time flies by, we will eventually be relieved, live healthily, live peacefully, smile happily, and be busy appropriately. That's good. 尊重各种声音,但只成为自己。 Respect all voices, but only be yourself. 当我接受和喜爱自己时,我的所有潜力,都被激发出来了。 When I accept and love myself, all my potential is unleashed. 世界上最大的勇气,是压力下的优雅。 The greatest courage in the world is elegance under pressure. 人人心中有盏灯,强者经风不熄,弱者随风即灭。 Everyone has a lamp in their heart, the strong never go out with ………………………………

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