专栏名称: 游理游据研究院
分享游戏行业实用资料,追踪行业前沿研究信息,促进行业可持续发展。 Research Institute of the Origin of Game Theory
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游理游据研究院  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-01 07:00


美国当地时间7月30日,AMD(超威半导体)披露了2024年第二季度财报。 游戏:收入6.48亿美元(YoY-59%,QoQ-29.7%),经营利润0.77亿美元(YoY-65.8%,QoQ-49%); 定制芯片需求依然疲软,因为游戏主机正处于证明周期末期,下半年收入预计低于上半年; 游戏显卡同比增长,主要得益于radeon 6000、7000在渠道的销量增长。 Q:Q3各个终端的展望?  A:游戏业务预计下滑两位数,增量主要来自数据中心,客户端其次,嵌入式环比个位数增长。 Customer excitement for our new Ryzen processors is very strong, and we are well positioned for ongoing revenue share gains based on the strength of our leadership portfolio and design win momentum. Now turning to our gaming segment, revenue declined 59% year-over-year to $648 million as semi-custom SoC sales declined in-line with our projections. Semi-custom demand remains soft, as we are now in the fifth-year of the console c ………………………………

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