专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 11.0):截止2025年4月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-24 17:58


The Future of Luxury Retailing: Innovations, Consumer Experiences, and Market Dynamics Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Phil Klaus Professor of Customer Experience Strategy and Management International University of Monaco, Monaco Omnes Education Research Center Email: pklaus@ium.monaco.edu Keywords:  Luxury retail, consumer behavior, luxury brands, service innovation, experiential marketing, digital transformation Possible topics include, but are not limited to: What constitutes the luxury experience LCX? How to design the ‘perfect’ LZX? The role of service inclusion in the LCX? Which variables need deeper consideration in LCX? In contrast to common CX, what are specific context variables that influence LCX? What role do retail and consumer services play in the LCX? What are the challenges LCX managers facing? What is being considered ‘best’ and ‘next practice’ in LCX management? Do common CX constructs and theories hold in LCX? The future of retailing LCX management. The dynamic ………………………………

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