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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. | 海盐气溶胶自发产生分子溴

大气化学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-15 18:17


Spontaneous molecular bromine production in sea salt aerosols ( 由于标题字数限制, 中文标题为自翻,以原标题为准) Abstract Bromine chemistry is responsible for the catalytic ozone destruction in the atmosphere. The heterogeneous reactions of sea-salt aerosols are the main abiotic sources of reactive bromine in the atmosphere. Here, we present a novel mechanism for the activation of bromide ions (Br-) by O2 and H2O in the absence of additional oxidants. The laboratory and theoretical calculation results demonstrated that under dark conditions, Br-, O2 and H3O+ could spontaneously generate Br and HO2 radicals through a proton-electron transfer process at the air‒water interface and in the liquid phase. Our results also showed that light and acidity could significantly promote the activation of Br- and the production of Br2. The estimated gaseous Br2 production rate under light conditions was up to 1.55×1010 molecules·cm-2·s-1 under light and acidic conditio ………………………………

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