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Loie Hollowell x 艺术 | 身体的姿态

每件  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-15 17:21


Loie Hollowell 美国艺术家 出生于1983年 Born in 1983 生活和工作在纽约 Lives and works in New York 举办多次个展与群展 Solo and group exhibitions ▲‍Ten Centimeters Dilated 我一直在从自己身体的 I've been drawing from my own body's 颜色中汲取灵感 From the colors of my own body 在这里,绘画既是雕塑又是姿态 Here, painting is both sculpture and gesture 即内在过程的触觉转换 The tactile transformation of the internal process —Loie Hollowell ▲‍Meeting in the middle Loie Hollowell 以探索人体景观的绘画和素描而闻名,她的实践存在于抽象与具象、超凡脱俗与有形之间的界限空间中。她的作品源于自传,探讨了性、怀孕和生育的主题。 Known for paintings and drawings that explore the bodily landscape, Loie Hollowell’s practice exists in the liminal space between abstraction and figuration, otherworldly and corporeal. Originating in autobiography, her work explores theme ………………………………

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