高品质医疗——曜影医疗(SinoUnited Health)是以患者为中心的高品质医疗服务连锁机构,在上海外滩开设有综合性医院,并在上海、杭州、苏州等开设了多家门诊部。
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重磅升级!曜影轻享卡全新亮相,家庭式健康服务新标杆 SUH Membership Now Upgraded

曜影医疗SinoUnited Health  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 15:51


🛒点击开卡享优惠 🛒 >>> 感谢你一直以来与曜影医疗携手同行,为了给您和家人提供更全面、更便捷的健康管理, 【曜影医疗·轻享卡】全方位升级 ! 更贴近您和家人的健康需求,优化家庭使用体验,持续为您及家人的健康保驾护航! To offer you and your family more comprehensive and convenient healthcare services, SinoUnited Health Membership is now fully upgraded! Designed to align closely with your family’s health needs, it enhances the family experience, ensuring continuous support for the well-being of you and your loved ones! _ What's NEW _ 折扣力度大,价格更优惠 Greater discounts & more favorable pricing _ 一单回本,轻松超值 Get your money's worth in one visit, excellent value _ 首次就诊,最高可 抵扣 ¥1200诊费 Save up to ¥1200 in fees for first visit 可同时为2位受益人提供健康保障 Bind 2 beneficiaries and share double health benefits ▼ Swipe to ………………………………

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