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C# 3D人脸重建,人头姿势估计

dotNET跨平台  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-08 07:55


介绍 github地址: https://github.com/cleardusk/3DDFA_V2  Introduction This work extends 3DDFA, named 3DDFA_V2, titled Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment, accepted by ECCV 2020. The supplementary material is here. The gif above shows a webcam demo of the tracking result, in the scenario of my lab. This repo is the official implementation of 3DDFA_V2. Compared to 3DDFA, 3DDFA_V2 achieves better performance and stability. Besides, 3DDFA_V2 incorporates the fast face detector FaceBoxes instead of Dlib. A simple 3D render written by c++ and cython is also included. This repo supports the onnxruntime, and the latency of regressing 3DMM parameters using the default backbone is about 1.35ms/image on CPU with a single image as input. If you are interested in this repo, just try it on this google colab! Welcome for valuable issues, PRs and discussions 😄 效果 模型信息 Inputs ------------------------- name:input tensor:Float[-1, 3, 120, 120] -------- ………………………………

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