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Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2024-06-11 14:02


▲Quora 第1074篇 (561字)  |  #Quora文选   ( 文末领 “资源” ) What is something you wish people knew? Arundhati Bose · A compulsive writer. 88.8K views · 9.5k Upvotes I have this friend who is good at almost everything. 我有一位朋友,几乎样样精通。 Academics, dancing, writing, sports; he has won multiple awards for all of them. Sounds like a happy life, right? 学术、舞蹈、写作、体育; 他在这些领域都获得了无数奖项。 听起来应该是一个幸福的人,对吧? One day in a conversation, he said with a sad smile that all he wants is to hear his father say that he is proud of him. 一天跟他的谈话中,他带着一丝悲伤的微笑说,“他唯一想要的,就是听到他父亲对他说一句‘我为你感到骄傲’。” That hit me. 这让我深受触动。 I realized how a small sentence such as “I’m proud of you.” has the potential to clear away all insecurities in a person. 我意识到,一句“我 ………………………………

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