Good News! “THE SAFE IBN ZAHR LTRS-1 PROJECT MECHANICAL COMPLETION” is achieved without lost time injury 9 days ahead of baseline MC of 15th January 2025. This project is another successful cooperation between CNCEC-TCC and SABIC. The project aims to improve the performance of Low Temperature Recovery System (LTRS-1) in MTBE-1 Dehydrogenation unit to achieve more recovery of C4 in the Hydrogen rich gas stream to reach recovery of 99.5% while current recovery is ~55% by increasing C4 recovery from 48 KTA to 84 KTA which will result into increasing MTBE production by 50 KTA. 近日,中国化学天辰公司总承包的沙特沙比克IBN ZAHR C4低温回收项目提前9天完成机械竣工,实施过程实现“零伤害、零事故、零损失”,继续保持了按期完工的优良纪录。 该项目是天辰公司与沙比克成功合作的又一典范,项目旨在提高 MTBE装置脱氢单元的低温回收系统 (LTRS) 性能,将碳四物质(C4)回收率从55%提