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CNN做了期“真相”报道,却没有真相丨CNN "truthteller" story lacks truth

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-03-02 16:51


People are most interested in what they lack, so goes a popular saying. Maybe that is why CNN published a story about "truthtellers in China", claiming that some doctors and journalists had been reprimanded for trying to tell the truth about COVID-19. They so lack truth in their reports that they had to include the word in the headline. However, a simple glance at the report shows how wrong they are. Even their "truthtellers" list is full of errors. A most typical example is Li Wenliang, the famous ophthalmologist in Wuhan who gave information about a kind of unknown pneumonia during the early days of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China. CNN reports that Li was "called to a Wuhan police station" on Jan 3, 2020, where he was reprimanded for spreading rumors online and told to sign a statement admitting to spreading rumors, and later died after testing positive for the novel ………………………………

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