Leon 中国美术学院 建筑 GPA: 85/100 雅思 : 6.5 自我评价 : 想要更多自驱力 获奖经历(奖项全称) 中国美术学院港澳台生三等奖学金 所获offer(截至发稿前): UCL - MArch Design for Manufacture NUS - Master of Architecture University of Edinburgh - MArch Architecture Part 2 University of Edinburgh - MSc Architecture and Urban Design Polimi - Architecture and Urban Design AA - Architecture and Urbanism (DRL) MArch University of Melbourne - Master of Architecture MSA - Master of Architecture (ARB/Part 2) MSA - MA Architecture and Urbanism 1year full-time University of Nottingham - MArch Advanced Architecture Design 申请时间线: OFFER展示 (截至发稿前) 最初只想提升英语 [关于选择] 一开始因为英语实在太差,先去学雅思 (因为觉得雅思很难,把雅思学好过四六级应该没什么问题,所以一开始学雅思并没有打算出国,纯粹想提升英语